Thursday, January 21, 2010


Welcome to The Center for Rehabilitation's Wellness Resources! Our resources are updated frequently for a convenient way to interact with our rehabilitation team and stay up to date on topics of interest. Be sure to check back regularly for important articles and the latest discussions from rehab experts. If you're thinking about having a surgical procedure such as a knee or hip replacement, be sure to keep in mind that exercise before the surgery is just as important as rehabilitation after the surgery! Conditioning through therapeutic exercises at the direction of your doctor can decrease the amount of time it takes to recover and help prevent possible complications.


  1. I would just like to take this oppurtunity to say welcome! If anyone has questions or concerns we are here to help guide you in the right direction whether prior to a joint replacement, after a fracture, during your rehabilitation stay, or even after your return home, whatever your situation is we are here to help!!!
